My name is Holly Zwolinski, and I moved to NW Washington in 2018 after living in NE Ohio all of my life. I’ve fallen in love with the PNW. I hope you enjoy my work.
My interest in photography began with a high school class, where I learned how to develop black and white film. The processes of dodging and burning and learning how various amounts of light impact photos have been of great interest to me. During this class, I learned the meaning of the word photography is “light writing.” That resonated with me and has continued to be a part of my artistic process.
My current work is in digital photography, and I have spent countless hours exploring the PNW in search of places to photograph. This website showcases some of my favorite photos and makes them available in print. I’m grateful to my family and friends for their positive support, which has inspired me to take my photography to the next level.
Thank you for visiting my website!